Friday, November 16, 2007

Shabbat Shalom

I slowly drove the mile through the austin cary wood lot shedding the push and pull, the tension and fatigue of another week. Arriving home I was met at the door. My wife, camera in hand, simply pointed to the sky. After few deep breaths of cool black spruce scented salt air, a few moments of wonder, a few attempts to digitize the essence, I turned, gave Rollo a pat or two, opened the door and stepped into the warmth and fragrance of wood heat and fresh baked raisin bread. What a gift Our Lord gives in this time called Sabbath. The wonder of family, home and love become especially poignant as the Sabbath Peace descends with the setting of the sun.


Jonas said...

I almost felt like I was with you. You are an excellent writer.
Thanks for trying to capture these moments.

The View from Great Island said...

thanks john, I've enjoyed your writing as well.

Barry Howe said...

Your style has many strengths, but it's the mastery of sound that caps all. I wonder if you are indebted to your occupation? Listening for nuance in a patient's words, whether strung in articulate sentences or monosyllabic grunts, you cannot miss a single beat, let alone the overall rhythm.